Julius Style; The International |
NEW YORK - Despite being behind bars in prison, Hollywood actor Wesley Snipes remains kebajiran job. This time Snipes help the development of the latest games.
Game was named Julius Style: The International who will be present in the iPhone and iPad this June. After that this game will also be visited Xbox Live, Playstation Network and the Android application store.
Launched by Electricpig on Wednesday (01/12/2011), the game combines action with puzzle elements. According to Snipes, this game inspired by the desire to bring Snipes Art of War hers, and her character in Murder at 1600 and Passenger 57 into the gaming
"Julius Style offers a game that will make your brain and mind work strategically, with the hubbub of the action series," says Snipes.
"I like games that challenge your mind and reflexes. Julius Style combine with knowledge of survival skills, intellectual, academic and spiritual intuition owned by gamers," Snipes added.
This game was developed by Lapland Studio and will be assisted by Red 27 and Elstree Studios Productions.
Snipes himself now still have to undergo the punishment due to tax issues. Blade is a new actor will be out of jail later in 2013.