For 20 years Panda Security has been innovating, developing new technologies to protect our customers from all kind of threats. This year Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 includes the following new features and improvements to protect your Online World:
IMPROVED! Protection against all kinds of malware. Protects you in real time against all types of known and unknown malware, thanks to the knowledge gathered from the panda Community.
IMPROVED! Panda USB Vaccine. Panda USB Vaccine protects your PC and USB drive from infection.
NEW! Virtual Keyboard. Write your password in a safe way thanks to the Virtual Keyboard.
PLUS! Panda Safe Browser (Sandboxing) Suspecting that a web is dangerous? Access it without risk through the Save Browser (sandboxing).
NEW! Multimedia/Gaming Mode. Enjoy the multimedia world and play without interruptions! Your antivirus keeps watching without bothering you.
NEW! Home Network Manager. Checks the security status of your home computers the new Home Network Manager.
IMPROVED! Panda SafeCD. Panda SafeCD cleans all kinds of malware from your computer. It connects to the Internet to get the last antivirus technologies.
Panda Antivirus Pro 2011