MOSCOW - The Russian technology company officials believe the popularity of Facebook, Google and Microsoft are not going to beat their local products and services.
Speaking to the Telegraph, Friday (14/01/2011), chief executive of Yandex, Arkady Volozh, claiming at least two main reasons why the Western tech companies could not compete with the popularity of local services. Yandex itself is the most popular search engine in Russia.
"Language barriers are a significant factor and many U.S. companies are still testing this area. In addition there is a greater reason, Russia's technology as good, even better than similar companies in the U.S.," said Volozh.
"Yandex is able to outperform Google (in Russia) because of the quality of its search and several other key services. The people will only leave a service if the quality begins to decline. In Russia we have the technological capability that can not be underestimated. I think companies like Google and up can not beat the host company, "he added.
The statement diamini chief executive, Dmitry Grishin, who also has two social networking sites are more popular than Facebook in Russia. is an email service and the most popular portal in the country.
"At, we focus to develop a share in Russia and those countries which had joined the Union Soviet.Rusia has become one of the world Internet's largest market. Yet only a third of the population, or approximately 50 million people, are online," Grishin said.
One of the Russian government's efforts to compete with Western technology is to build a technology park Skolkovo. Located in a suburb of Moscow and have the full support of President Dmitry Medvedev, Skolkovo expected to become the Silicon Valley of Russia.