Jakarta, OprekPC - As we preach at the beginning of last month, Dell has announced it will use the Linux operating system preinstalled on a PC production line. But it was not yet decided which Linux distribution version.
This midweek Chris Kenyon, director of business development told a press Ubuntu, "Dell worked with us to ensure that Ubuntu will work full-on hardware product." Thus, Dell has chosen Ubuntu as the operating system computer to the Ubuntu konsumen.Dalam available software such as office programs, e-mail, browser, media player and instant messaging.
It is known that the founder, chairman and chief executive Michael Dell of Dell is an Ubuntu user. This OS runs on high-end laptops Dell Precision M90 which he uses daily at home.
Chris Kenyon said that Linux has long been perceived difficult to use by average computer users. But the latest version of Linux distributions such as Ubuntu 7.04 is more user-friendly. "For us, this fact is the acceptance and support (endorsement) is strong as well as a unique support model we provide."
Dell's own party have not confirmed any computer product that will sell them later with Ubuntu pre-installed. They just said it would offer Ubuntu 7.04 as an option on models of certain consumer computers in the United States in the coming weeks.
Of monitoring in some internet forum mentioned that Dell will offer Ubuntu on Dell Dimension desktop PC e-series, high-performance desktop and laptop Dell XPS Dell Inspiron E-series. The price has not been released. Indeed, the Linux OS will make the price of PCs to be cheaper than the cost of buying the OS from Windows or Apple.
Realize that most manufacturers of hardware and software focused on the Windows OS, because it controls about 90% share of the PC market. Therefore a lot of software, especially games and accounting programs, can not run on Linux PC users and their hardware is not compatible.
Chris Kenyon meyatakan that Ubuntu is an excellent choice for many users, especially if they give priority to the standard office functions, e-mail and web. He added that Ubuntu currently supports up to 40 languages and will continue to grow. Predictions, the more popular an OS, the more companies will develop its software.