Creating PDF files in Visual BasicCreating PDF documents in Visual Basic has always been a difficult task. Many times people have to purchase controls to do it for them. Not with this Visual Basic tutorial. PDF documents can be created in a snap using the mjwPDF class. This is the first in a series of tutorials. It covers the creation of a basic PDF document.
Visual Basic 6 String FunctionsThis tutorial explains all the main vb6 string functions that allow you to manipulate strings including the Len, Mid, Left, Right, UCase, LCase, Instr, InstrRev, String, Space, Replace, StrReverse, LTrim, RTrim, Trim, Asc, Chr, and the ASCII table. This Visual Basic tutorial should meet all your needs.
Date Time Functions In Visual BasicLearn how to use the time and date functions in Visual Basic. This VB6 tutorial introduces you to the basics of these functions.
Database Access with the Data ControlSee examples of developing database applications using the data control that ships with Visual Basic 6.
Visual Basic 6 is still very alive and active. Many business have huge applications written in this great language. Wouldn't it be nice to have current VB6 tutorials and VB6 source code samples? Many people learn this language as their first development language and many use it every day for work.
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