Avira AntiVir - high-quality anti-virus, developed by German programmer. This program always been distinguished by the quality of work and quick response to new viruses. Avira AntiVir includes a resident monitor, scanner andsoftware updates. Anti-Virus can continuously monitor the files and archives, which may be potential carriers of viruses. Are found also and macros that are embedded in office documents. The program is not demanding to resources, and shows good results in the speed and quality of search.
Key features:
"Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
"Protection against spyware / adware
"Extra protection against email viruses (POP3)
"Protection against phishing
"Monitoring real-time
"Preventing download malicious files from the infected sites
"Scanning for viruses with a boot disk
"Verifying data downloaded from the Internet
Premium Protection:
* AntiVir
* AntiAd/Spyware
* AntiPhishing
* AntiRootkit
* AntiDrive-by
* AntiBot
* EmailScanner
* WebGuard
* RescueSystem
Premium functions:
. Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
. Protection against expensive dialers
. Detects and deletes rootkits
. NEW: Raised scan speed
. NEW: Redesigned visual appearance
. Protection against phishing
. Protection against spyware
. Special protection against email viruses (POP 3)
. Fast updates through Premium Server
. 5 Euro donation to Auerbach Foundation
. Protection against annoying adware
. NEW: System to create a Rescue-CD
Avira Antivir Premium V Final Plus NEW Keys