Advanced Steam Trojan Generator |
Advanced Steam Trojan Generator is one application to make trojans instantly. One advantage of this application is an application produces source code written in Visual Basic. So for the Vixer to study the source code with it and can add other functions (how, when combined with techniques that can worm spread by exploiting various physical media such as flash, floppy disk or the internet). Another advantage is generated trojan keyloger have such functions that can record all activities of the victim and send all the information that has been recorded to an email that has determined the vixer so that it is possible to obtain classified information from the victim (rich 'Password, or Account email Another secret.)
To make this trojan is actually easy to stay include the information available at the box and then to generate to generate source code is .... Tp connect in this application is german language so I will explain their functions:
- Benutzertinformationen:
o Dein NickName: Information on the creator's name
o Deine EmailAdresse: Name Email Builder that allows you to
receive information from victims
o Link Zum Php scripts: Link to a site
- Form Optionen
o FormName: Form Name
Processname o: Process running
o FormCaption: Caption Name
o Dateiendung: Process File Extension are running on both computers
exe, PIF, scr or bat
o File Description: You wrote artiin ndiri
o Company Name: consider aja dah tau
o Comment: content
o Dateiname: calendar clay lo
- Registry
o Use ClientRegistry.blob fungtion: Function in the Registry
o Hide the File Extension: Functions not know
o Hide Offline Files: its function is certainly not
- Application
o Make Backups to: (must know Functions),, system32, windows etc ... ...
o Keylogtime: (Left to record activity) \
o Log on startup: The process will run every boot
- Generieren: making the source code
- About: Information Software
- Beenden: exit
note: remember this only as a learning course, n ga no intention ordered people to create and spread the virus ........
Download:Advanced Steam Trojan Generator